American Bulldog puppies they are 11 weeks old born 21/03/24 there are 4 puppies 2 boys an 2 girls. Are fed on eukanuba large breed puppy biscuits an chicken mince. Have done worming every 2 weeks since 2 weeks old and they will have vet check up an vaccination just before they are ready for their new homes at 8 weeks old. Mum an dad are both American Bulldogs. We just own the mum our girl is a hybrid. She is 50kgs an has the body of the Standard/ Performance type she is very active and has alot of stamina, she is a awesome family dog good with kids an other animals we live on a lifestyle block so we have farm animals. An a awesome guard dog we couldn’t ask for a better dog. The father is 54kg very chill not as active as our girl but good with other pets and good family dog. This is our girls last litter. Last 2 photos are mum then dad. Will require a $300 deposit. Any questions feel free to ring or txt.